
About this product

The Grommet (#9048015028), a crucial component in the Body/Engine Hood & Lock and Body/Hood Lock & Hinge systems of Toyota vehicles, plays a primary role in providing protective insulation within these systems during operation. This part, specifically crafted for compatibility with Toyota vehicles, is directly involved in preventing direct metal-to-metal contact, reducing vibration and noise while protecting the wire, cable, or hose passing through it from potential damage. Over time, the Grommet (#9048015028) may deteriorate, lose its effectiveness, or even break, which could result in increased vibration, metal contact, and potential damage to the protected elements. Thus, periodic replacement of this part is essential. By using genuine Toyota parts, which are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, you'll maintain optimum functionality and safety within your vehicle's respective system. The Grommet (#9048015028)'s role in insulating and protecting crucial components ultimately contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.